What If I Dont Want To Workout?


Alright i admit, sometimes working out isnt the most simple task so here is a list of simple alteratives.

1 Walks
2 Climbing gyms
3 Trip to the Playground
4 Wrestle with the kids
5 Take the stairs
6 Race your friends
7 Dance it out
8 Go to the zoo
9 Replace your chair with a stationary bike
10 Clean hardcore
11 Play tag
12 Ditch the car, get a bike or walk
13 Learn an instrument

This is  a short list but these are good ways to get fit without actually working out! There are a million other ways go out and see what you can find!!!!!!

Have Fun and Stay Strong

Get Fit Four Minutes


The newest workout trend. Tabata training . This will change your life. Not because it will get you thin faster than anything(it will), its not because it will build more muscle in four minutes than you could do in a half an hour at the gym ( because it will) its because it will teach you how to push yourself through anything. When you are on round three but can’t feel your legs anymore knowing you still have five rounds left you push through the pain and reach new levels of aweso,e.

Ok, so what is tabata ?

It is 4 minutes of hell.

20 seconds of work

10 seconds of rest

8 rounds.

Then you die.

If done right it will hurt like hell but this will also be one of the best workouts you have ever had, you will burn more calories , get more lean muscle, and get a better cardio workout then you ever thought you could.

Top exercises for tabata training

Sprints – sprints are a full body workout, it works every muscle youve got. 

Squats- tabata squats are as close to running as you can grt standing still. If done right you never lose that spring in your step.

Jump rope- this exercise is surprisingly difficult. Its a great full body workout that can be done at any fitness level.

Push ups- this is the only upper body pressing exercise you will ever need. Dont believe me? Do a tabata workout with push ups, if your arms still work at the end you did it wrong.

Pull ups- this is an amazing workout. You work your biggest upper body muscles, the delts, you get your biceps huge and lets face it, guy or girl, some muscles in your arms feels great ! You will get an amazing core workout. You WILL get good abs if you do tabata pull ups regularly.

Ok, how do I orginize a tabata workout?

Beginner tabata: pick a different exercise for each round

Intermiediate tabata : alternate between a few different exercises

Expert tabata: use the same exercise each round and reap the benefits

Have Fun and Stay Strong

Easy As 1 2 3


Here are the last three exersices you will ever need. Pull Up. Push Up. Squat. These three exercises will not only work ever single muscle in your body and help burn fat but you will become stronger than you ever thought possible.

Three exercies? How could it get any easier?

The question you are asking now. How can it happen when every magizine says you need to hit the biceps from three different angles and do your reps in a 10 8 6 method then alternate with a 5×5 . Why make this complicated?

Hell no, keep it simple. Work up to 4  sets of a 10 for each exercise. Then, once you can do do this with these three exersices you will be in phenominal shape and super healthy, you will feel amazing and be super ripped.

Lets say you hit that mark and want to make it more tough? Close it up. With your pull ups put about 3 inches between your hands. With push ups make your hands touch and when you squat make sure your feet are close together. You will make massive gains in size and strength!!!


Have Fun and Stay Strong

No Dream is Too Crazy


The only thing stopping you from succeeding is you. You want something, go get it. Do you want to bench press 500 lbs? You arnt gonna do it unless you give it everything you’ve got, get in the gym and press like hell (Id say every other day with reps between 3 and 10, but thats for another post.) Do you want to run a marathon? There are few better literal translations to “Do it one step at a time” than running a marathon. A lot of it is running, yes but make sure you research as well or its just not gonna happen, eating habits, training programs, etc. Give it everything you have. Do you want to do 100 push ups in a row? Start with 5. Do 5 everyday and add 2 a week and you will be there in less than a year, and at very most it will take 5 minutes.

Most goals are so easily acheived if all you did was take steps toward them. The old saying goes “You miss 100% of the shots you do not take.” So, whats stopping you? Most likely fear, you are scared of change or scared of this or that. Why? Whats the reason behind the fear? Fear helps no one. Ask yourself why you are afraid and then visualize yourself in 3 months time if you did commit. That second image is looking pretty sweet huh? If you do nothing else today, take one step toward your goal, whether thats research a website, plan a workout with a friend or even going to the gym. Do it, it is worth it.

Have Fun and Stay Strong

The Most Important Lesson


There is nothing in this world as important as how much you are willing to work for something. I have seen men who cannot make a lay up go on to win championships. I have seen women who weigh no more than 100 pound deadlift twice their bodyweght and more. This tought me one thing, it doesn’t matter how skilled you are, it doesn’t matter how small you are, and it certainly doesn’t matter where you start as long as you are willing to work to get there. That mindset of “i am going to put in one more hour at the gym” or “i am going to shoot 100 extra free throws a night” this is the mentality that will make successful, this is how you need to think.

I once heard a quote that blew me away. “Hard work beats talent if talent doesn’t work hard” then it hit me. I started doing research, and lots of it. I looked at all the greats and found one thing in common. They all had an obsession with what they did. Michael Jordan would shoot hoops for hours a days, not just during practice. Arnold shwartzenegger only slept 6 hours a night so he could spend more time in the gym. These people were truly dedicated, they wanted to succeed as bad as they wanted to breath and that is what made them legend. They were willing to give things that most people ” Can’t live without” so they could become the greatest. When you push yourself, when you cut back on sleep you realize you can live without it, when you miss a meal because you were making sure you did perfect reps you realize this was more important, when you give up a social event because you needed to run those extra laps, this is when you will become successful.


There is no reason to give up. Once you have started something why give it less than your all? If you are running why not see how far you can go or how fast you can run? When you go to work, why do just enough to get by? You are there no matter what so see what you can do to make yourself better, who knows, maybe you will get a raise.  This world already has enough people who haven’t done enough, arn’t doing enough and will never do enough. Do not be one of these people you see always complaining and never working. Do you notice those who work hard are rarely disapointed in themselves? Makes sense, right? Give it everything you have and you will go farther than you ever thought you could.

Have Fun and Stay Strong




Seriously, take this in for a few minutes.



ok, awesome now that you have done that does it make you want to change a little bit? dont you hate it when your house isnt very clean? just imagine your body is your house, that you take everywhere. even if you dont want to eat healthy all the time at least vaccuum it out every once and a while.  try the whole 30 challenge or a detox of some sort, anything to get rid of the toxins in your body. an easy way to cleanse your body, although not as effective, is to drink way too much water.  whatever you are drinking ad a gallon a day on top of that for a week and you will feel fantastic after, trust me, ive done it many times.  the top ways to begin cleansing


1 Whole 30 paleo – the best way to cleanse your system out by far

2 lemon Detox

3 Water detox- use a lot of green tea and it will make the taste of water a little better


it takes a lot of determination to get through a cleanse but i promise you it is worth it and who knows, you may even decide to make it a permanent health change and start living a better life!!

get out there and change your life!!